Include Flowers as Natural Pest Controllers

Has it ever occurred to you that flowers can also be natural pest controllers? Aside from the good and attractive look that they may give to your garden or yard you can also benefit from them by driving away insects that can infect your plants. Depending on a particular flower and a specific pest or insect, this method may serve as a cheap pest control for you.

Flowers as Natural Pest Controllers

Select a particular area in your yard. In this case, you should be able to avoid areas that are especially for recreations like swimming pool or areas where you usually receive your guests. Create a perimeter for smaller yards. Then group the pest-fighting flowers in a way that will effectively control pest infestations in your yard. This will depend on what kinds of pests are plaguing you.

Choose specific flowers that have the ability to repel insects. You also have to know the particular type of insects that infests your yard. In this way, you can plan better for the method that you have to apply for your garden.

Queen anne’s lace, as a pest control, is good for leaf-eating insects. This is beneficial if you have vegetables in your yard like eggplants, tomatoes, or squash. The flowers of the Queen anne’s lace will attract more small insects which eats leaf-eating caterpillars.

The colorful daisy family is good for ladybugs which love to munch on mites and aphids that can destroy your garden. On the other hand, black-eyed susans and asters are also good for lacewings and hover-flies that particularly eat aphids. Aside from the Marigold’s beautiful orange color, its fragrance can also repel moles and drive away mosquitoes.You may also choose sunflowers as they particularly attract pirate bugs which dine on white flies.

Buying castor oil plants may help in fighting moles. They resemble flowers with their reddish-colored seed heads and large leaves. However, you must also be cautious as this plant is poisonous if accidentally ingested by children.

Incorporating flowers to your yard, as natural pest controllers, will not only help you deal with insects and pests in your place. They will also provide you a good atmosphere and a good look at your garden or yard.

The use of plants as pest controllers is a great help without using chemicals that can potentially affect our environment. They serve as natural pest controller and they add beauty and good ambiance to our surroundings.

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How to Manage a Pest Control Business

Managing your pest control business may entail several skills to help you succeed and take your business to a higher level. When you have come to a decision in making your business a more enticing and more productive one, you can create a promising future not only for you but also for its benefits to your customers. It is important that you manage your business well to make it to a professional level and keep your employees and customers happy.

Pest Control

A good pest control company gives focus to financial documents. Indeed, financial management should receive considerable amount of attention for any business as this will dictate the flow of expenses and any other matters concerning financial aspects. Financial documents like balance sheet, income statement, and cash flow statement are essential to effectively keep track of the financial inflow and outflow in your business. The balance sheet focuses on providing information about your company’s assets, liabilities, and shareholder’s equity. The income statement on the other hand will tell you whether the business has gained a profit or lost in a specific period of time. The cash flow statement will track the flow of money in your business. You should be able to review these documents monthly for you to provide yourself an update on the financial status of your business.

Work on developing customer loyalty. There are many ways to ensure customer loyalty on your business. This may involve enhancing your customer service by effectively assessing your customers’ specific needs in terms of pest control. Improving the quality of your services is also one of the most important things to take when you are to build a solid customer loyalty. If you are an owner of a residential pest control company, you may focus on providing more effective ways on how to eliminate residential pests. This may involve giving them tips on how to prevent pests in their place once you have already rendered your services.

Expanding your services might also be the key in taking your business to the next level. This will also set your business apart from others. In addition to your usual services, you can add wildlife management, lawn and ornamental tree spraying, bird or bat removal. If you are a termite control company, you may provide client teaching on how to prevent future infestations on your client’s residences. When you expand your services, you provide more than what your client expects and this will greatly enhance your abilities in managing your own business.

There are several ways on how to effectively manage your pest control business. From keeping track of financial movement to expanding your services, you can make a good business especially if you give more focus on quality client services.

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Go Natural for Your Pest Control

The most effective and easiest way to prevent pest infestation on your lawn or garden is by discouraging them from coming in the first place. It may entail maintaining cleanliness in your place and picking the right plants that have the ability to repel certain types of insects. In either way, you have to maintain a healthy garden not just only for a recreation but also for a healthy and ambient environment.

Pulling out any weak plants in your lawn will prevent insects or pests from coming to it. Infected plants may attract more pests and may even make it worse for other remaining healthy plants. Before hiring a port orange pest control company be sure that you have done simple ways to make your garden more viable for most of your plants. Remove the damaged plants and dispose them away from the garden area. Developing healthy plants is also one of the best ways in keeping them grow more vigorously. Soil with organic fertilizers can help plants grow strong and more resistant to pest infestation. Aside from using organic fertilizers, the use of seaweed sprays can also enhance growth of plants as they contain important trace elements like sulfur, zinc, barium, and iron. The use of sprays will help plants to withstand disease and will make them glow.

Pest Control

Maintain cleanliness in your garden by regularly cleaning them and removing debris and weeds that can be breeding places for insects. Minimizing insect habitat will decrease the events of pest infestation in your garden. You should also water your plants early in the morning to keep foliage dry for the whole day. Wet foliage may encourage insect and fungal damage to your plants. Be sure to deliver water to the root systems to avoid wetting the foliage.

Several practical methods are in the way to manage your garden from pest infestation. Hiring pest control Florida can be a last resort if you know how to eliminate pests by yourself. It can be less expensive than buying and applying pesticides. It will also be safer for your garden, your family, and for the environment. This is due to the fact that each year North American homes use approximately 136 million pounds of pesticides on gardens and in the home.

The use of natural methods should always be a priority among homeowners as chemicals used for pesticides are harmful to the environment. Knowing what to do by utilizing natural methods as cheap pest control can go a long way in maintaining a healthy garden and environment.


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Building a Business on Pest-Control

The effects of pests in our environment and in our own homes are detrimental in one way or another as they may pose great health threats or damage to our properties. It is of importance to our overall security to have a clean and pest-free abode to enable us to work better and live better with our families. You may devise your own strategies in eliminating pests in your own home or you can also make it as a way to earn a living. Building a pest control business for instance is a great way to start things with eliminating pests in your community.

Rodent Pest Control

You may consider buying an existing pest-control business franchise. Whether it be termite control or pest control, business name is important for the success in the long term. You should opt for something that people already know and patronize for you to take an extra mile in your business. It will also be an advantage for you if you choose the franchise with greater customers on a monthly basis. You may need to talk to the corporate office of the franchise and find a bank to give you a loan so you can purchase to house your franchise.

On the other hand, if you’re starting on a scratch like building your own rodent control company you may pick the unique or attractive name so you can catch customers for your business. Designing a logo can also help to build your name and trademark for people who will patronize your services. Be specific on what type of business you’ll be into like what kinds of pests you will get rid of. You also have to know who your customers will be and the type of target establishments like homes, business building, etc. This will help you a lot in developing a framework for your business.

Pest control companies set their price for services based on the extent of the service and the type of establishments they work on. You should also set your price considering factors like the type of pest to get rid of, the establishment itself, and the chemicals or pesticides you are to use. Effective pricing will attract more customers and will make your business more successful in the long run. Hire employees too as this will be your manpower in rendering your services to your customers. The number of your employees will largely depend on the size of your business and the kinds of pest control services that you provide.

Make sure that you are properly certified in pest control as this will be a requirement in building a pest control business. Your employees may also need to attend a seminar on how to perform their jobs and duties to your business. Starting a pest control business may cost you a lot of money but this may also be an advantage in the long term provided that you are helping the community while earning in your own.

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The Right Help For Your Pest Problem

The Right Help For Your Pest Problem

If you are experiencing repetitive pest attack then your ordinary pest treatment just don’t work. Look for the best service against pest infestation. Visit Universal Pest Control now!

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Natural Approach to Your Unwanted Guests

The appearance of pests and insects is one of the most irritating situations to deal with. The best way to deal with these unwanted pests and insects is through the natural approach. That way, you can shoo the unwanted visitors without putting the environment and the health of the people around at risk. So instead of purchasing chemicals, it is better to look for items in your kitchen that you can use so you can get rid of the pests without bringing toxins into your homes. You can just check in your kitchen, refrigerator or in the pantry for effective pest control home remedies. Here are some of the best ways to deal with each kinds of pest.


1. Mosquitoes

To get rid of mosquitoes, you can try a bit of rosemary. Sprinkling some rosemary onto the coals will create a scent that will repel the mosquitoes. If you are out grilling some hamburgers, that will be the best time to sprinkle the rosemary to the coals. That is a fun way to hit two birds at the same time.

You can also try to plant a bed of marigolds because it repels bugs naturally as well. You also have to get rid of all the stagnant water around the house so you will not attract the mosquitoes.


2. Cockroaches
You can repel the cockroaches by sprinkling some boric acids in the cupboards. You have to know where the cockroaches frequently go. And then you have to spread some catnip in the corners where the cockroaches are. They hate the smell of catnips so they will surely run away. If you see a cockroach, move fast and spray it with soapy water and kill it on contact.


3. Ants
Nobody wants pesky ants. You can prepare a spray bottle filled with water and dish detergent to spray those ants away. Bitter cucumbers repel ants. You also have to trace where they are coming from and once you do, you have to pour a line of cayenne pepper in front of the entry point. Garlic and lemon juice will also do.

These are cheap pest control that you can try. These will save your money from buying chemicals that can bring negative effects to humans and in the environment as well. In case you feel like your actions are not working, it must be the time to call professional pest control companies for help.

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Environmentally Responsible Ways to Blast Away Pests and Keep Them at Bay

They usually buzz or squeak but no matter what they do, you hate them creeping around your homes. You have to know the best solutions to shoo them away but you have to be very careful because some options that you may consider may be harmful not only to the unwanted guests but to your homes and health as well. You always need to go for safe treatments in Palmetto bugs prevention, flies and other unwanted pests at home. You may follow these tips to ensure that the pests are the only ones that are harmed in the process while you and the environment stay safe.

1. Keep your homes clean and dry.
Untidy environment attracts insects and rodents. You can keep your homes clean and dry by wiping spills immediately with soap and water. You also have to bear in mind that garbage should be taken out of your homes every day and that the garbage cans must be free of food residue. Do not expose ripe fruits. Make sure that they are always kept in the fridge. Vacuum your floor regularly since it is the part of your home that is mostly exposed to dirt. You need to make sure that all foods and beverage containers that are not in the fridge are tightly sealed.


2. Go for chemical-free strategies.
If you think that ending your problems with unwanted pests without chemicals is impossible, you are wrong about that. There are various strategies that you can try like vacuuming individual bugs or nests. Bugs will be suffocated in the bag. You can also lay traps of any kinds like fly traps, jar traps, pheromone traps, light traps and many others. Using a swatter is an effective strategy too.

3. Choose lower-risks pesticides.
Choose lower-risk pesticides. This technique will minimize health risks to the members of your households. You can dust boric acids on cracks and crevices. This can poison the crawling insects without bringing toxic to humans. But you still have to be very careful. You may also try fatty-acid soaps that can kill soft-bodied insects like caterpillars and mites.


4. Choose professional services for pest control treatment yearly.
Choose a company that knows proper pest control treatment. It has to deliver high-quality – and environmentally responsible treatments so you can keep your peace that everything is absolutely turning out right. Follow these tips to protect your health and environment while keeping pests and insects at bay.

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Say No To Pests this Autumn

Say No To Pests this Autumn

There is no place like home. It is the most comfortable place where we can stay this autumn. Don’t let it be ruined by parasites. Learn what to do with these cool tips from Universal Pest Control.

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New Termite Species Re-identified

December 2012, a new termite species was reportedly re-identified in Broward, County. Fla. Native to the Caribbean, the tree termite was formerly thought exterminated in the United States. The rediscovery of this termite species is feared to cause rampant damage to property in certain places. Researchers and scientist are keeping close watch. They are now doing a study to determine the possibility of infestation in other unknown areas.
In Scientific Classification: Termites are part of the part of the Arthropoda Phylum, Insecta Class, Pterygota Subclass, Neoptera Infraclass, Dictyoptera Superorder, Blattodea Order, Isoptera Suborder and is also called Termitoidae. Wow?! What a major nose-bleed.
Known as “white ants” in Australia, termites, are the exact opposite of its name-sake “—the ants. Unlike ants, who strive to live by gathering food from its surroundings harmlessly, termites are known to be destroyers and pests. 10% of the estimated 4,000 species are ecologically significant as pests that can cause tremendous damage to property, structures, buildings, crop and plantation.


Known as major detritivores, in the subtropical and tropical regions, Termites however play a considerable ecological importance in their recycling of wood and other plant matter.
Termites live in colonies as eusocial insects and at maturity can number from several hundred up to several million in number. The termite colonies use a system of self-organized, decentralized system of guided activity by swarm of intelligence which exploits food sources and environments.

A termite colony may have several egg-laying queens, soldiers, workers, reproductive individuals of both sexes and nymphs or semi-mature young.

In addition, termites can construct their nests in mounds or shelter tubes. One can distinguish termite damage from other insect damage by inspecting any holes you might find in wooden parts of your home or yard. Termites commonly eat only the tender part of wood, leaving the annual rings undamaged.

Subterranean termites and dry wood termites are primarily responsible for damage to human-made structures. Termite damage creates great damage to unprotected buildings and wooden structures. The destruction usually remains undetected until they have created ruthless damage enough to show surface breaks to the wood. If termites are found, remember to immediately prune away infected wood. Leaving the infested wood unattended can cause a threat to any nearby wooden structure.


Termites not only damage wood, but also paper, cloth, carpet and any cellulosic material they could find. Universal Pest Control provides treatments in preventing and controlling subterranean termites. UPC also does tent fumigations to help in controlling dry wood termites and other wood destroying organisms. Do not wait for the termites to destroy your home. Call us for an inspection today.

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Universal Pest Control provides the best service at affordable prices. Our office numbers are: Daytona and Port Orange: 615-7224 – Deland: 738-3889 – Flagler, Bunnell and Palm Coast: 447-5563

New Smyrna Beach: 423-5428 – Ormond Beach: 673-1557

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Bees: Friends or Foes?

Early August this year, bees were reportedly removed from a family’s backyard due to the death of a loved one.
The family suffered a huge loss when hundreds of thousands of bees, reportedly killed the family’s dog, Ace.
Pet owners in the United States were alarmed of the incident. Is the backyard safe for your family members and pets? This was a question asked by many, as a family in North Houston moved to have the bee population removed from their backyard.
World-wide bees are reportedly declining, along with other pollinating insects namely butterflies, moths and hoverflies, among others. Governments have become concern of the possible impact to gardens, parks, countryside and the over-all impact to our food supply. When bees are removed from their natural habitat or eradicated for whatever reason, other dangers occur. The Rodriguez family, after suffering the loss of their family member, only wanted peace of mind as they had the bees removed for their own safety.


The attack happened last August 1, 2013 in the vicinity of Coach Road, near Imperial Valley Drive and Aldrine Bender Road. The family patriarch was busy mowing his son’s backyard when he heard the family dog barking. Ace was reportedly tied up, as Manuel Rodriguez Sr. worked the yard.

“Ace was tied up here and he was over here,” Manuel Jr. said. He heard him barking so he brought him some water. He heard him barking and yelping again and he saw the bees.

“I mean—I had seen a couple before but I didn’t think it was anything to this extent,” Manuel Jr. said.
The bees were living in a large oak tree in the backyard. The Rodriguez family, had knowledge of the bee colony in their yard, never imagined they would attack. Rodriguez Sr. tried to get the bees off their dog, Ace. He tried pulling him down the street but it was unfortunately too late.


Manuel Rodriguez Sr. said he went inside to tell his grandson, Isaac, the ill-fated incident.

“My grandpa said the dog is dead,” Isaac commented in an interview. “I opened the door to get a better look.” Isaac recalled that he walked outside to see a limping Ace in the yard. “I loved that dog,” said Isaac. “I was thinking ‘man I didn’t want Ace to die like this.’”

Manuel Rodriguez Sr., interviewed by KHOU 11 news, was brought to the hospital for bee stings and was reportedly able to get out of the hospital after a few days. 15 feet of bees were removed from the tree trunk along with 250-pounds of honey, reported by the pest company hired for that purpose.

Bees play an important part in our ecosystem. Important factors have been raised by governments which attributed to the bee population decline, mainly the extensive use of pesticides, loss of habitat and agriculture. So before you decide to remove bees from your own backyard, stop and think if it is worth it. If it poses a danger to your family, yes. Call professional help immediately. We can both care for our environment and our family, by taking extra precaution in the removal of pests from our own backyard.

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